The Peddler
"A LONG TIME AGO, up in the mountains, there lived an old peddler. This was back in the days before 7-Elevens and convenience stores. Back in those days, if you wanted to buy something, you had to get it from a peddler or do without. "
So begins our Adventures in Soulmaking. Our entire journey on this planet is about soulmaking. Our Infinite Creator put us here in this garden for the purpose of growing our souls. I describe this growth process using the appreciations of both Jungian psychology and spiritual direction in my book titled, Adventures in Soulmaking: Stories and Principles of Spiritual Formation and Depth Psychology.
Over the coming period, you will be able to read Adventures in Soulmaking for free as I post it a chapter at a time. I hope you will enjoy it and profit from it on your spiritual walk. Please find the first chapter in pdf format using the link on the title to the left or HERE.
In chapter 1, I tell the story of The Peddler. Like Dorothy following the yellow brick road, the peddler spirals far from home then back around to his own back yard in order to discover the treasure that he always had. This is the story of our lives. We are not in Kansas anymore even though the mundane features of our lives suggest otherwise. We are on a spiritual quest. Adventures in Soulmaking will give you eyes to see this pilgrimage.
Join me, and feel free to write or call with your challenges, observations, or feedback using the blog or the contact information on the HOME page.
For printed or Kindle versions of Adventures in Soulmaking, click HERE.
In chapter 2, two transformative dreams introduce your soul-travelling self to illumination and the Spiral Path. This is the path inward that wanders through many deepenings of thought and experience, encountering Mystery as it goes. Come.
In chapter 3, the Spiral Path of the ascent to God is described. It passes through stages of Awakening, Purgation, and Illumination to a still-growing Union with God. We explore styles of ego-centrism that block our progress on the path. Stories of pilgrims you met earlier are further developed as we travel Debbie's "dark night of the soul" to her greater unitive life. Classical authors are heard on these stages as well. Click here to download the chapter.
...stories of Christ as the archetype of archetypes allow us to see him as both Tarot Fool yet Lord of all mythopoetic powers. This dancer amidst paradox dwells in mystery yet has power to transform. How will he work in your soul? Click here or the chapter title above to download the chapter.